
List of possible attributes:
  • one_opened_item - If only one accordion item at the time should be open
  • Get the codeOpen or Close
    [accordions one_opened_item="true"] [accordion title="The trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be."]Our faith in the present dies out long before our faith in the future. [/accordion] [accordion title="Tomorrow is fresh, with no mistakes in it."]The future is called “perhaps,” which is the only possible thing to call the future.[/accordion] [accordion title="I have seen the future and it is very much like the present - only longer."]A preoccupation with the future not only prevents us from seeing the present as it is but often prompts us to rearrange the past.[/accordion] [/accordions]



List of possible attributes:
  • title - Toggle title
  • hidden - If toggle by default should be closed
  • Get the codeOpen or Close
    [toggle title="I know not what the future holds, but I know who holds the future." hidden="true"]It is said that the present is pregnant with the future.[/toggle




Custom tabs

Predefined bgcolors available: yellow, azure, red, black, green, pink

List of possible attributes:
  • border_color - Border color,
  • bgcolor - Tabs background color
  • Get the codeOpen or Close
    [tabs bgcolor="#544565" border_color="#544565"] [tab title="Custom"]Morbi fermentum lorem at nibh venenatis rutrum. Morbi at nisl vitae lorem eleifend accumsan. Proin congue hendrerit enim, et cursus metus laoreet in. Praesent id orci nisi. Donec id diam sed sapien bibendum feugiat. Duis dui erat, consectetur a vestibulum quis, facilisis quis odio.[/tab] [tab title="Second tab"] Donec scelerisque mi justo. Aliquam sapien nibh, convallis posuere dictum sed, luctus eget justo. Fusce ut luctus leo. Morbi convallis porttitor facilisis. Sed quis justo risus, eu interdum arcu. Nulla facilisi. Nam ultrices sapien sit amet mauris vehicula ac pharetra lorem fermentum. Etiam tincidunt dolor sit amet sem placerat pretium. Sed dolor sem, fringilla a vulputate viverra, vestibulum et justo.[/tab] [tab title="Third tab"] Vestibulum non tincidunt arcu. Etiam ipsum tellus, molestie sit amet venenatis a, mattis vitae risus. Curabitur commodo urna in leo elementum eleifend. Duis quam erat, accumsan et pretium sit amet, condimentum eget augue. Quisque a ligula sollicitudin elit euismod mollis non vitae arcu. Nulla in elit eget orci fringilla molestie at id urna. Suspendisse ac magna nibh, mollis varius dolor. [/tab] [/tabs]

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